Chris Cornell’s Daughter Reacts To Disgusting ‘Hate Messages’


Chris Cornell’s daughter Lily posted ‘fuck Brett Kavanaugh’ yesterday on her Instagram story, and she has followed up with a new post:

“to the grown ass adults who have been cyber bullying me over my post regarding brett kavanaugh – as an 18 year old girl in a rapidly deteriorating political climate, i am worried about my rights and the rights of others who are routinely oppressed and ignored by the GOP. i am not at all ashamed to share my political views, and i feel blessed to have been given a platform upon which i can openly discuss the rape culture and sexual misconduct that is continuously propagated by politicians, especially members of the republican party.

what this has to do with my dad, i have literally no idea. dozens of adults with different political views from me or different stances on kavanaugh have felt the need to personally attack me (WHO YOU DON’T KNOW), my relationship with my dad (WHO YOU DON’T KNOW), and your support of my dad and his career because of it. i would highly recommend spending more time with your families and becoming informed on important issues and less time spewing anonymous, inarticulate hate messages at 18 year old girls on the internet.”

Lily and Pearl Jam frontman Eddie Vedder’s wife Jill recently ripped Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. Jill Vedder continued her criticism today.

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Couldn’t stop myself from sharing this ?

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