Eddie Van Halen ‘Angry’ Cancer Phone Call Leaks


Eddie Van Halen reportedly was recently on a plane, possibly for his cancer treatment, and his ex-brother-in-law David Bertinelli has revealed he was ‘frustrated’ in a call just a few days ago. David said, “When I talked with Ed he sounded good, just a little frustrated because it took the airline 3 days to find his luggage. So, you see, he’s just like us. 😁”

Eddie Van Halen blamed his use of ‘metal picks – they’re brass and copper’ and putting them in his mouth for possibly giving him throat cancer in a 2015 Billboard interview, and TMZ are reporting that the cancer is back. Van Halen also said at the time, “I basically live in a recording studio that’s filled with electromagnetic energy. So that’s one theory.” Eddie Van Halen’s wife revealed a ‘bloated’ new photo yesterday.

Dr. Tom Micklewright, who isn’t Van Halen’s doctor but is very familiar with throat cancer, has questioned Eddie’s belief for why he first got cancer.

“Copper coils have been used as contraception in the human body for many years without evidence in increased cancer risk. In contrast, numerous chemicals contained within cigarettes have been conclusively proven to significantly increase cancer risk, and the more likely cause of his throat cancer.”

japeape said on VHLinks.com, “Yeah, i mean it’s not like Eddie was using metal picks for an extended period. I think, originally, he used Fender mediums, but always plastic.

He used a stupid metal pick on like one shitty song, for the tapping intro. Warren Demartini used metal picks on ‘Out of the cellar,’ but switched after they kept breaking his strings.”

An emotional Eddie Van Halen text message from last week leaked a couple of days ago. ziggysmalls wrote, “I don’t really think the ‘how’ he got it is important. He has had it, or has it and who knows. My sister who only smoked from maybe 18-23 has uterine cancer. She is 62. She believes that its caused not by smoking but by being chemically poisoned by being around a bunch of old ladies who wore too much perfume.

Used to work at an old folks home and I guess the blue hair barracudas there wore some sort of perfume and that is what gave her cancer. I mean could be anything but she concentrates on that. Concentrate on the cancer and get well. Yeah Eddie probably got it from smoking but doesn’t matter at this point”

Little Dream said, “It could be from HPV and eating too much p***y. But in the case of EVH, the massive amount of drinking and smoking seem the prime candidate.”