Green Day Singer Reveals How He Went Broke


Green Day singer Billie Joe Armstrong revealed how his family went broke when he was younger, as his father was a truck driver. He said he is embarrassed at times when seeing how rich he is now. Billie Joe Armstrong revealed a disturbing injury yesterday. recapped: Howard said the new album ”Father Of All” will be out in February. Howard asked what they need to know about the title song. Billie Joe said that he wrote about money for the first time. Howard asked what they think about money since they have a lot of it now. Billie Joe said it feels weird. He said they come from such broke backgrounds. He said his dad was a truck driver and his brother was a plumber. He said to have compared to having not is such a trip. Howard asked if he was ashamed of it and asking why me? Billie Joe said it’s just kind of weird. Howard said if you think about it for Green Day money is the last taboo. He said he was always embarrassed to read about how much money he made. He said he doesn’t want people being jealous. Billie Joe Armstrong reacted to stunning Kurt Cobain daughter photos a few days ago.

Howard asked if they’re going to do the new song. Billie Joe said they are. Howard asked if he knows the lyrics. Billie Joe said he thinks he does. He said he forgets lyrics sometimes on stage. He said he might need a Teleprompter.

Howard said they had Billie Eilish on the show and she really idolizes them. Howard said Billie said she didn’t want to be answering questions. She wanted to hear Billie Joe talking. Billie Joe said that Finneas is great too. Howard said he’s so talented. Howard said they found out that Billie was conceived by in vitro and she didn’t know that when her mother revealed it on the show. Billie Joe said she was home spun and home schooled. Howard said exactly. Green Day were stunned by a ‘sudden’ death recently.