Greta Van Fleet Bad Facial Hair Photo Revealed


Greta Van Fleet wore hilarious mustaches in a new photo that you can view. Former Greta Van Fleet manager Michael Barbee recently told Alternative Nation about the band’s record deal. Barbee previously revealed why Greta Van Fleet fired their original drummer, and why Greta Van Fleet weren’t ready for Saturday Night Live.

He added, “I warned them from the first day I met them against record labels. You don’t need them! It was about two weeks after the studio and someone said they need management with more connections and I reluctantly handed it off to Aaron with AM/FM music. So, I’ve always warned them about record labels. Someone will dangle a carrot and it’s going to seem like heaven and everything’s going great. Two weeks after they signed with Aaron, I got a text from Alex at Republic Records and he said ‘Hey, I’d like to talk to you guys about your future.’

I was no longer manager. I was tour manager. So, that guy didn’t get to sign him because Aaron’s dad already knew the guy at Lava and Republic. There’s a certain mentality out there that a certain percent of millions is better than a hundred percent of nothing. That’s why everyone was jumping on board because they knew this was gonna take off. As long as we got it into people’s hands, it was going to already grow organically. In my opinion, a label saw a payday. To me, the second you go with a label and get a decent sized advance, to me the only thing you’re left with is debt!”

Jack White praised Greta Van Fleet in a new Rolling Stone interview, and he also revealed that his feud with The Black Keys is over.

“I respect all rock and rollers. I think [the beef] was some lawyers trying to screw me over and trying to take something out of context. [Black Keys drummer] Patrick Carney stopped by while we were recording this Ranconteurs album and let me borrow a microphone. That was cool of him.”

White said about Greta Van Fleet, “It’s exciting to see young people play rock and roll, no doubt about it. That guy has a very cool voice. The more he makes it his own, the better. People used to say, when I first came out, ‘He sounds like Robert Plant.’ If you keep pushing forward, that shit goes away.”