Guns N’ Roses guitarist Slash bent over for his girlfriend Meegan Hodges in a new photo. Hodges wrote, “Killer show the other night. #ihaveakillerview #amazingcrowd #slash #gnfnr #rnfnr #guitarbeast#myguitarhero.” A massive Guns N’ Roses and Pearl Jam tour date rumor leaked yesterday.
NYCGunner posted, “Just got back to my hotel. Immediate reactions: Slash carries the show with his play and presence. I’ve always been more of an Axl fan, but there are just so many obvious shortcomings you witness live. Still, Axl sounded better than in 2017/2018, but doesn’t look better
The back half of the setlist was more enjoyable for me (Civil War, NR, Nightrain, etc).
Slither sounded really good, as did Nightrain. Dead Horse was awesome. Bummed we didn’t get Locomotive
Overall, it was a good show, but I don’t need to see it again, notwithstanding I am going to one Vegas show. Without a new album after this, I can no longer justify the price for GNR anymore. They need something fresh. Fast.”
Slash was devastated by a bandmate death in a new photo post. Tom-Ass later responded, “I love that they play as long as they do.. I wouldn’t want to see it any shorter than 2 1/2 hours.. Especially for the money they charge. I really have little complaints with the actual show. I could watch Slash Jam all day long.. I think they do a better job at switching up the setlist than people make them out to. Songs like Yesterdays, UTLH, Out Ta Get me and My Michelle are all songs that were played a lot and have been rested for songs like Slither and SOYL.
The recent additions of rare badass songs like Locomotive and Dead Horse have been awesome. They do the Duff song rotation the Don’t Cry/Patience Rotation while switching up the intro jam and now rotating Locomotive and Coma. Slash solos have went from Godfather to Johnny B. Good, to various kinds of Blues jams.. They experiment with different covers from James Brown to Glenn Campbell to Soundgarden.. The Seeker comes and goes.. Hell, they even played most of the CD album (much to my disliking). Now they play 2sometimes 3 songs from it now which is perfect.. Can’t complain about that.
They aren’t Pearl Jam or The Grateful Dead but they do switch it up more than most bands. Song order aside, they probably mix it up now more than they ever have. The could shorten the set to an hour and Axl isn’t going to sound any better. Especially on songs like YCBM, RQ and SCOM. When Axl is struggling just turn your attention to Slash.. When Axl is sounding OK, make the most of it.” Slash called out Rock and Roll Hall of Fame disrespect a couple of weeks ago.