Howard Stern discussed the awful pain he feels when missing late Stone Temple Pilots frontman Scott Weiland on his show on Tuesday. STP played a great set at Coney Island, New York on Sunday, though Stern was not in attendance. A Scott Weiland classic was disrespected at a recent STP show. recapped: After the break they played Stone Temple Pilots ”Vasoline” as they were coming back. Howard said he was listening to Stone Temple Pilots over the weekend on Lithium. He said he’s missing the hell out of those guys. He said Scott Weiland was quite a character. He said he was such a sweet guy and so talented. Howard said at least he lives on in the music.
Scott Weiland and John Frusciante surprising Nirvana at a show was revealed last month. Howard said he was thinking about this last night. He said he was thinking back in the history of television and thinking about how ridiculous the Emmys and radio hall of fame are. He said if you last in radio more than a few months you deserve to be in the hall of fame. He said guys like Booker or Bubba the Love Sponge should all be in there. He said they’ve all managed to have long careers in radio. He said it’s almost impossible to make a living and be treated well in radio. He said the Emmys have good actors but it’s all an absurdity.
Howard said he was thinking about this woman Virginia Graham who had a show. He said she had a way about her. He said he’d watch her with his mother and they’d do cooking or talk. He said it was like having one of your aunts on TV. He said she was probably the first woman to have her own talk show and now she’s a big nobody. He said no one does a retrospect of her.
Howard said he was thinking about Joan Rivers and how people forget that she sat in for Johnny Carson. He said she was a permanent guest host for Johnny. He said that she was such a big deal back then. He said you’d write down when she was going to be on. He said she got bigger ratings than Johnny. He said then she drops dead and people act like she was just a goofball. Robin said he doesn’t know how people will treat him when he’s gone.
Howard said Joan died 5 years ago this month. He said he just wanted to mention that. Howard said Joan wasn’t treated with respect. Howard Stern made an embarrassing Gavin Rossdale remark on Monday.