Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love’s daughter Frances Bean Cobain has revealed a new 2020 predictions video, and she appears to have somewhat of a death conspiracy. Kurt Cobain’s daughter recently revealed a Disney sweatshirt video.
Frances’ first video shows her happy and content, with 2020 predictions for herself including: “being hungry, reading books, watching Netflix, a loser, in love, smiling, tired, rich, dead, smiling.” In a followup video, she looks more concerned, captioning, “But also I’ll be dead so…”
Nirvana fans on Reddit recently discussed how a lot of unreleased material has leaked in recent years, but wondered if the leaks may be slowing as we enter into a new decade in 2020. IJUSTTASTEPOOP posted, “Has anything leaked since a year and a half ago? That’s around when I stopped coming here and I just want to know.”
Bunnyfrog commented, “The VCV tracklisting leaked as well as some semi official artwork for the release but the tape the community has still hasn’t been transferred.”
Reparted responded, “I know for a fact that since the Nirvana 89’ European tour, we’ve had some AUDs, I think a new AUD for some show in France, Roseland was uploaded yesterday, and I think Serve the Servants from a session was uploaded earlier in 2019 as well. Pretty sure they’re more but I can’t remember.” Frances Bean Cobain revealed doctor treatment in new photos.