Michael Jackson Invited Guns N’ Roses Icon To Tent


The former Michael Jackson’s guitarist Jennifer Batten spoke recalled how the legendary guitarist of Guns N’ Roses Slash joined Michael Jackson for the Dangerous Tour back in 1992.

She recently made an appearance on the Appetite for Distortion podcast and elaborated on an incident during a concert in Oviedo, Spain when she performed with Slash as part of MJ’s band. She revealed how Slash and herself made a mistake during the performance on stage.

Slash seemingly forgot the stage move which Michael Jackson had planned

Batten revealed while performing with MJ, the front stage was mainly for the ‘King of Pop’ and the dancers while she recalled a whole separate stage for the musicians.

Batten revealed how they discussed the stage moves in MJ’s tent, as Michael requested Slash’s presence in his tent. They had planned the moves for ‘Black or White’ in the tent, but they didn’t rehearse the moves on stage before the show. It was revealed that they were supposed to run to the stage left front where the fans were but Slash seemingly forgot the move.

Batten said:

“We did ‘Black or White’ together. And it was hilarious because… It’s one thing to comprehend the moves by, ‘Here’s what we’re going to do.’ But we didn’t go over it physically. So we’re on the stage and there was one point where both of us were supposed to run to the stage left front where the fans are… You see the fans blowing his hair behind there. My hair was not gonna move.”

Batten revealed that Slash eventually did make it over there but he was planted in the middle of the stage. Batten tried to remind him about the move. She said: “So I grabbed his arm to kind of remind him that we need to move now for the bridge or something. And he was like trying to pull a tree. That guy was planted. It was such a strange experience. But I think eventually he migrated over there.”