Motley Crue Member Confirms ‘Brain Tumor’ Diagnosis


Former Motley Crue singer John Corabi recently confirmed the death of Rush drummer Neil Peart from brain cancer. A Motley Crue member begged for food in a new photo, was it Vince Neil?

He said, “R.I.P. To the drum legend/ lyricist extraordinaire known as Neal Peart!!!! Another rock icon/legend gone much too soon!!! Now he’s in the arms of his wife and daughter again!!!! Godspeed…😔🇨🇦”

Motley Crue wrote a few days ago, “Jan 17th – On this day in 1981 4 guys got together and formed a band called Mötley Crüe and almost 40 years later we’re still kickin’ ass
@thevinceneil @nikkisixxpixx @tommylee @mr.mickmars.”

Owen Wills commented, “Kickstart the 80’s Oh Yeah! Motley Crüe – Good Times 🤘🏻😎🤘🏻 Rocked out with you guys every time you came to Australia 🇦🇺 Now Heading to the USA 🇺🇸 to see you guys in New York. So great to see so many fans from every generation will get to see you guys live again – You Guys Rock!!!”

Sheryl Kennedy responded, “I’m so pissed there not coming to Oz. I will never get to see them again.”

Owen Wills shot back, “Never say never, my best friend that introduced me to Mötley Crüe back in 1982 last year went through major heart sugery and was in a coma for three months… we no longer live in the same city’s so l recorded myself singing Motley songs we had listened to over and over back in the day and his sister who was in my class in high school played them to him daily… and low and behold he’s alive and with us again 😃.

Never been to the States before and this seems like such a befitting time to see them reformed and doing what they do best… lm hearing you, l know your not alone wanting them to come and play here… l love these guys and the music l will have to travel to insure another rock fest with them.” A Vince Neil ‘plastic surgery’ claim just leaked.