Motley Crue Terrible Health News Could End Career


Motley Crue drummer Tommy Lee‘s hearing is ‘f**ked’ from all of the pyro over the years, according to his wife Brittany Furlan in a new interview with Kyle Newacheck. While Lee still appears to be able to play, hearing issues ended Brian Johnson’s run with AC/DC in 2016. Tommy Lee accused an A-list star of being a ‘whore’ yesterday.

“We end up staying at the dream in Hollywood which is right next to that club… Fuck! What was the name of it? Anyway, there is a giant club next door. Tommy was like I’m so tired it’s like twelve, you know it’s like 10 o’clock at night. We were so exhausted we fucking fired drove through the fires to get there. We just wanted to go to bed.

And so, we were like okay, let’s just lay down and call it a night. As soon as our heads hit the pillow it’s like ‘WHAT YOU WERE…’ We were like, what the fuck?! And Tommy like normally his hearing is not even good, because he’s played drums for so long, his hearings f**ked from all the pyro. But it was so loud that he was like ‘What the f**k?!” He opens the door to the balcony and it’s just fucking people everywhere right next to our room. He goes out of the balcony like, ‘Shut the f**k up!’ to a club.”

MetalheadZone transcribed her comments.

As Aerosmith and Steven Tyler are resuming their Las Vegas ‘Deuces Are Wild’ residency, Motley Crue bassist Nikki Sixx has weighed in with some high praise.

“I gotta say…I’ve been a fan of @Aerosmith since I bought their 1st album the day it came out in 1973. I was 15 years old living in Seattle Washington. For me they are one of the greatest rock n roll bands to ever form and are still kicking ass. WHO IS YOUR BAND?”