Neil Young ‘Loses Weight’ In Stunning New Photo


Neil Young recently revealed how he has lost weight and how others can on Neil Young Archives in a Q&A. Roger Waters recently made an ’embarrassing’ Neil Young claim.

A fan wrote, “Hi Neil,

Thank you for the archive and for all your work and for making the commitment to do things right in terms of your work, the archive’s content and your insistence on great sound.

I like to listen to new music a little more than older stuff, so I haven’t spent as much time listening to the archive as I would have guessed (but I thoroughly enjoyed Live at the Roxy) and I’m glad to hear you are going to be posting more unreleased music, as well as more of your new music.

Two of the recent ‘albums of the week,’ Decade & Greendale, reminded me of their importance at different times in my life.

My older sister’s boyfriend gifted me ‘Decade’ for Christmas in 1979 when I was 17. This was after I had started buying records and going to concerts a year or two before, mainly ‘Greatest Hits’ type records and live shows with lasers and fog. ‘Decade’ completely turned me around. I perceived it as a Greatest Hits package and I wondered in what city or state was ‘Tired Eyes’ a hit. I loved it all.

Soon after, I got into Hendrix, the Stones and the Beatles and Rust Never Sleeps and that was the end of the fog machines.

In 2003, one of my best and oldest friends and I attended the Greendale show in Chicago. There were a lot of puzzled looks in the audience, but we loved it and laughed our asses off. Maybe partly because of how well Larry played Grandpa and at the audacity of you playing an entire new album from to back in a 20,000 seat hockey arena. But we love Crazy Horse and it was great and I’ll never forget it.

My question is if you could share what exercises you do that help your back and shoulders. I remember reading eons ago you had back trouble when you were young. I didn’t notice my Les Paul felt like a sack of concrete until I turned 50. You still plow on your core sound and it makes me wonder ‘how does he do it.’” Thank you again for your work and uncompromising spirit. Regards, David, St. Charles, Illinois.”

Neil responded, “LOSE WEIGHT. Pilates, workouts, stretches. Walking in good shoes, one minute planks. Go for it.” Howard Stern called out an awful Neil Young wife insult a few months ago.