Paul McCartney ‘Dirty’ Bedroom Secret Revealed


Iconic co-founder of the Beatles Paul McCartney, in a new interview with Ireland-based outlet revealed how a bedtime story that he read to his grandchildren and their friends during a sleepover got unintentionally a tad ‘dirty’. These Paul McCartney ‘depressing’ airport photos were just revealed.

He told the outlet: “We’re out in America and they were staying with us. (Nancy) said, well, let’s have a sleepover. So four of them came over and I said, well, we’re going to do this. He said the children slept in their bedroom, and that “we’ve got mattresses on the floor with them and they’re all ready to go to bed”. “I’m thinking, ‘Oh God, I’m going to keep up with my snoring anyway. I think I’ll read them a bedtime story.’ Paul McCartney revealed what Johnny Depp did to his wife.

McCartney continued: “So I’m just looking around. And of course I haven’t got many kids books, but I found a little poetry book, I think, ‘OK, this looks pretty good.’ I just flicked through it quickly and it looked alright on the page. Like a little interesting, amusing poem. So I started to read it to them and it got dirty.

Billy Joel revealed this ‘offensive’ Paul McCartney remark not too long ago. However, McCartney insists that the grandchildren loved it.

“It’s a famous poem (by) EE Cummings. So you get the idea… it’s like, can I touch? Said he. How much? Said she. It goes on like that, what’s too far? Where you are? Yes, the kids are giggling away, and I’m looking, thinking, ‘God I really got myself into a corner. How I’m going to get out of this?!’”