Paul McCartney Terrible Eating Video Revealed


The Beatles icon Paul McCartney has posted a new Meat Free Monday video, where he shows that if people would stop eating meat as much as they sadly do for just a day, it could help the balance of the world. Paul McCartney was photographed in a bathing suit yesterday.

Paul posted a video and wrote, “‘One day without eating animal products can have a huge impact in helping maintain that delicate balance that sustains us all’ – Paul 🌎
Make a difference to the planet with one day a week: #MeatFreeMonday #CharityTuesday.”

Paul McCartney was photographed bending over for money a few days ago. Fab4Clayton recently posted on Paul’s official forums about his show in Arlington, Texas.

“The concert was great, as usual. Since it was the last show before Paul’s birthday, we all sang ‘Happy Birthday’ to him. This was after he read a sign that said ‘Happy Birthday.’ One sign said something about Grandude which is what my shirt and sign were about. I was too far away for him to see my shirt or sign though. Paul mentioned that on the screen there was a picture of him and one of his very young daughters. Now, he said, she has four kids of her own.

People have mentioned the horns. They added a lot to the show. I didn’t realize that they played during so many of the songs. Abe’s dance moves are very funny and fun.

Concert started at 8:30 rather than 8:00 and was 2 3/4 hours long. Paul did take a sip of water and the audience reacted. LOL. His voice was good, little rough here and there but over-all good. I don’t write the set list down but I think it was pretty standard. Since it was an outdoor arena, they had live fireworks after ‘Live and Let Die.’ (Besides the usual ones they have in the front of the stage).

10 of us got together at a restaurant before the concert and we had a fab time. So fun to hang out with fellow fans who have become friends.” Paul McCartney made a bold Leonardo DiCaprio revelation last week.