Friends until the end. The official Instagram account for the Red Hot Chili Peppers shows this adorably retro photo of a very young Flea and Anthony Kiedis affectionally kissing one another and showing that childhood bond that everyone looks for when picking out a best friend. You can view the photo below. This Red Hot Chili Peppers icon’s massive reunion offer leaked last week.
Flea’s new biography “Acid For The Children has been flying off the shelves recently. One Reddit user, entitled Dr_Bunson_Honeydew shared their review via the Red Hot Chili Peppers’ subreddit. Anthony Kiedis was disrespected by a young girl on camera earlier this month.
RHCP revealed a disgusting Brad Pitt secret last month He wrote: “It’s been described as Flea’s life up to where the Chili Peppers began (to some fans chagrin). That’s true, but because he knew Anthony, Hillel, and Jack Irons in school, they are among the many characters that make up the cast. I like how incorporated them into his tale. It was like reading a longer, detailed version of the song Deep Kick. I want to learn more about and listen to more jazz. Listening to jazz and early RHCP while reading the book was a trip. I’ve never read any Kurt Vonnegut, but now I’d like to. I’m glad I never got into hard drugs. After reading Scar Tissue, many years ago, I didn’t like Anthony as much as I did before reading it. However, after reading Acid for the Children, I like Flea even more than I did before reading it. (I think I need to reread Scar Tissue).
I want to be an ambassador of Love as an apostle of Flea. I can’t wait to listen to all sorts of new music, get outside, tap into the vital life juice that he so effectively writes about. What a joy (even if some of his life was pretty shitty).
Go pick up this book.” Love.