Red Hot Chili Peppers’ John Frusciante Leaks New Songs


Former Red Hot Chili Peppers guitarist John Frusciante has leaked details about newly unheard ‘Curtains’ songs set for release through a representative to a fan on Reddit. Frusciante’s official website says, “Recut by John Frusciante and Bernie Grundman from the original analog tapes. This LP includes a download card of the album plus bonus tracks in hi-resolution.” The album is expected to ship out in November. A Red Hot Chili Peppers member reacted to a small show crowd a few days ago.

LeandroRHCP posted, “‘Curtains’ to include 3 bonus tracks (demos) – 2 of them unreleased! Due to the recent talk about the bonus tracks I got in touch with the label through the contact form available on the official store. To my surprise, Ignacio from “JF Customer Service” answered:

‘Yes, there are three bonus tracks on the download card. I can’t tell you the titles quite yet, but two of the songs have never been released!’ I asked then if he could at least tell us if the unreleased songs are Curtains outtakes or more recent stuff:

‘One is a demo version of a Curtains song, the other two are demos from that era that were just never released.’ Incredible news. Can’t wait to listen to the songs, and hopefully reissues of the rest of the 2004 albums are next!”

John Frusciante announced his music comeback in August. LeandroRHCP added, “To the ones hoping for the release of “You Don’t Say”, this is just pure speculation, but the song was played live on March 20, 2004. It was probably written a few days before the show. Now, Curtains was recorded in May 2004. So demos had to be done just before the album recording sessions. There’s a slight chance he demoed the song and thought it didn’t fit on the album, so that’s why it wasn’t recorded and released.

Again, don’t get your hopes up, but there might still be a chance it’s one of the unreleased songs.”

cassidymelone commented, “This is so incredible!!! I though it would probably be just demos of songs of the album! Just to feel okay if there isnt something major coming out!!!! This is a reallllly big thing!!!

At and at the one dutch website you can still get hold of one of the thousand LP-Copies. The links posted on the dont offer any copies anymore. Take just one! It is ridiculous how the prizes get up… It is for the love of it!” Foo Fighters recently discussed John Frusciante’s final Red Hot Chili Peppers performance.