Robert Plant Parties With Famous Woman At Club


Led Zeppelin frontman Robert Plant discussed partying with some big names on his ‘Digging Deep’ podcast. Alternative Nation transcribed Plant’s remarks. Jimmy Page revealed recently how he was disrespected at a show with Robert Plant.

“Ahmet Ertegun had a smorgasbord and whole portfolio of people that he knew. Real, serious musicians from the modern jazz quartet. So, Ahmet would hold parties and Led Zeppelin would demand a party in New Orleans because that was one of the biggest cities of influence to us, you know? With people such as Aaron Neville, Lee Dorsey, Professor Longhair, Earl King, Jessie Hill [and others], the whole of the city was absolutely full of rhythm and kind of a latent sexuality in the music – it was stunning, really, just an amazing place to be.

Anyway, we used to have some quite righteous parties down there with him and time past, a lot of those artists passed on, and so did Led Zeppelin. So, as time went on, I, as solo artist, fixed up a deal with Atlantic Records, and my relationship with Ahmet got more and more social.

I wasn’t part of a band, I was pushing my own rock up a hill. So, he and I became really good friends and we got out a lot together. We would listen to people playing and I remember being in New Orleans once with him going to Tipitina’s, this real famous club down there to see Etta James. We were walking backstage to see her and she had a voice. Not just a singing voice but a speaking voice and she said: ‘What are you doing here?’ I said, ‘Ah, another good record deal somewhere down the line then?’ Actually, Etta James was never on Atlantic.”

Robert Plant savagely called out an iconic Led Zeppelin name last week. He added, “She was great, She was a survivor along with people like Ruth Brown and people like that. You know, these women have got to slug it out. The deals in those days and the whole scallywag element was ridiculous and lot of them were pretty embedded for a whole career because of that.”