Rush Singer Leaks Painful Alex Lifeson Photo


The official Instagram of Rush frontman Geddy Lee described posted the following photo and snippet. The photo is actually of Lee discussing Rush’s first show in the province of Halifax, Nova Scotia at the acclaimed Halifax Forum back in 1976. This was during Rush’s “All the World’s a Stage” tour. You can view the post below. Rush singer Geddy Lee was spotted with ‘drinking’ young women.

Hey Haligonians! So nice to be back in your fair city by the sea! My memory takes me back to Rush’s “All the World’s a Stage” Tour and, more specifically, October 4th 1976 which was our first ever appearance here at the Halifax Forum …Always a raucous and welcoming crowd! Hope to see you Bass Folk and normal people on Saturday at Coles for wee chin wag and a [fist bump emoji] 

In other news revolving Rush and Geddy Lee, fans took to the group’s subreddit to discuss the legacy of one of Rush’s most signature epics – 2112. One fan wrote: “In this noble last stand, Rush released 2112, a 20 minute progressive epic with odd time signatures, complex literary themes and an eccentric sound that had yet to be accepted in the mainstream. To the record label and to Rush’s surprise, the album skyrocketed in popularity, outselling all their previous albums combined in a very short time. This Rush singer recently reveals surprising Neil Peart paycheck.

The fan continued: “Because of this song, Rush began to draw a devoted cult following, who pleaded with them to continue releasing songs similar to 2112. 2112, upon first listening, can be overwhelming. Firstly, knowing that this song is 20 minutes long is an immediate turn off for many listeners, and on top of that, the narrative story is incredibly complex, leaving the listener confused as to what is occurring at that moment in the song. The song, which takes place in the year 2112, sees the Solar Federation and their Priests of the Temples of Syrinx have complete control over the world in which the protagonist lives. In this dystopian world, all forms of entertainment are regulated by the Priests, instead replaced by the worship of technology. As the story progresses, the protagonist, who goes unnamed throughout the entirety of the song, finds an old acoustic guitar hidden behind a waterfall. It is here where the man is fascinated and begins to pluck at the strings, creating a beautiful sound.” A Rush member just confirmed a New York ‘comeback.’