Steven Tyler Looks Miserable In Sad Airport Photo


Aerosmith frontman Steven Tyler was spotted by a fan at LAX airport and he didn’t look too happy! He’s probably handling being at that awful airport better than most of us would, so good on him. The fan took to Twitter and posted the discontented looking Tyler waiting by trash can for his driver to pick him up. Definitely not a Sweet Emotion! You can view the photo below.  Steven Tyler was recently caught trying to kiss young assistant in this photo.

Steven Tyler revealed what Joe Perry’s mother did for him the other day. In other news regarding Aerosmith, fans of the band discussed the fateful day of the group being inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. Aerosmith was inducted back at the sixteenth annual induction ceremony for the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame on March 19th, 2001 at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York City

Forum user VoodooMedicineMan recalled: “I remember being underwhelmed by that whole event, looking back at the videos of it I’m even less impressed now. Did the band have an endorsement deal with Flowbee? I can’t imagine paid professionals giving such terrible hair cuts. I find Kid Rock’s antics to be very amateurish. Too many, yells, grunts, and groans. His timing is off. Rock stars are supposed to have a natural coolness to them, he puts way too much effort into it. More like American Lame-ass. Steven Tyler recently made out with a girl in an elevator.

The user concluded: “So it looks like for the event they get saddled with Kid Rock for a song, then perform Jaded and Train, two songs they didn’t even really write.”