Tool Fans Explodes At Woman At Concert


One Tool fan has ranted about another fan, who was five seats away from him and she was dancing during the band’s concert in Cologne. He noted that everybody talked about her during the break as she was in everyone’s view. The fan further highlighted that the tickets cost almost €150 for those seats and they weren’t there to see her dancing. He also revealed that the girl was rude as she even refused when asked to stop dancing. She was also caught recording the show.

Tool has “no phones” policy

It has been noted that Tool has a fairly strict “no phones” policy at their shows. The policy has been met with criticism over the years and hasn’t been bullet proof given fan-filmed footage surfacing here and there. However, Tool isn’t a fan of people having their phones out during their shows.

In an interview with Metal HammerTool guitarist Adam Jones talked about why the policy exists. Jones stated it partially stems from people having no clue what they’re doing and turning their flashlight on, and partially because everyone having their phone out takes something away from the special nature of a live show.

“Yeah, I mean, for us, we’ve actually seen it changing and more and more big acts are asking their fans respectfully to enjoy the show, rather than looking at their camera the whole time. I think one of the problems is you get a lot of lights because people don’t know how to use their cameras correctly, which makes it very blinding onstage. It’s just…it’s that connection. You lose something without that connection, and you just want people to be in their own world rather than getting the whole show on their phone and then never looking at it again.”

Jones later added that standing behind someone with their phone out the whole time is a huge pain in the ass, and usually distracts from watching the actual show.

Tool are having a Spring 2024 UK/European tour which was added to their extensive itinerary for 2024. The band made its highly anticipated return to Europe in the spring and the European trek kicked off May 25th in Hanover, Germany, and runs through June 27th in Oslo, Norway, for an appearance at the Tons of Rock festival. Their stop included in Berlin, Germany on June 8. However, one fan didn’t have a great VIP experience.