On Friday, Tool guitarist Adam Jones did a live Instagram video from the studio. He showed off Justin Chancellor’s recording gear, and the band could be seen watching the movie Fletch. Producer Joe Barresi’s dog Bullet was seen in the studio as well. Bullet provided backing vocals on Soundgarden’s final album before Chris Cornell’s death King Animal, so in a sense he was the king animal of the record! In the video, Baressi was also seen wiring up some microphones.
A fan named Tra1famadorian wrote on Reddit, “If Adam is doing final tracking then Justin’s parts are done, but I do believe he plays along with Justin as he lays down the bass tracks over Danny’s finished drum tracks so there’s no way to really know unless he says he’s begun tracking his parts.
I figured the tracking process would go quickly considering how they collaborated over distances this time due to their different schedules and already had “FINAL” recorded versions of the music before entering the studio. So it wouldn’t surprise me if Adam was doing final tracking already.
That leaves us right on schedule for Maynard to take his break after APC finishes their summer rounds and head into the studio at the tail end of summer/beginning of autumn. Band should be in press mode by late autumn/early winter, and release in spring 19.”
You can see a photo of the live video below.
Adam just went live on Instagram and gave us a peek of the studio from r/ToolBand