Guns N’ Roses singer Axl Rose‘s ex-girlfriend, who was his wife in the “November Rain” video, Stephanie Seymour was caught in a rare photo fixing a mistake she had with her swimsuit in the ocean. She looks fantastic, regardless of any adjustments she had to make! An AC/DC member recently unloaded on a vicious Axl Rose insult.
Metallex78 posted on recently about the state of the reunited Guns N’ Roses, “There have been past years where I’ve been disappointed in things about the band in regards to live shows and no new music etc. but this year so far has taken it to a new level for me.
Firstly, the promise was, well, as much as what Slash has said in interviews – the focus after the NITL tour was to be the new album. Now he’s said it’s all too hard, and a bunch of new live shows have been announced instead, and still no confirmation of the new album.
Then from the first show in Miami, we have probably the worst singing from an unrehearsed Axl who can’t even sing in time to his own songs (Dead Horse intro, and the November Rain outro particularly bad) to an out of time Frank (You Could Be Mine intro absolute mess) to Fortus not playing Izzy’s parts properly (to be fair though, he never did), to Slash going through the motions and noodling every solo. I’m beginning to really, and I mean really, hate this band.
If they do actually release new music this year, and it’s good, I might be back on board. But as it stands, I’m embarrassed to be a fan of GN’R.
And the thing is, I know a few other really big fans of the band, who are very much feeling the same way as I am. Isn’t it sad.” Slash recently revealed a heartbreaking Neil Peart photo.