Dave Grohl Disgusting Eating Photos Revealed


Foo Fighters frontman was photographed blowing snot into a rag at a BBQ party where he was cooking the food everyone was eating. Grohl launched his Backbeat BBQ side gig last year, with a few set ups at the Urban Valley Market, though he has been more focused recently on Foo Fighters’ European tour and new album that is expected to be released in 2020. Dave Grohl made a bold Kurt Cobain demand at a Foo Fighters concert recently.

veritasaussies wrote on social media, “This Foo served me some BBQ on Saturday for a good cause. And this Texas girl who has a little Nashville soul in her thought it was pretty damn good. 1,2, BBQ!! #backbeatbbq #ridefordime #ridefordime2019 #foofighters.”

She later posted, “ake two! This Foo served me some BBQ on Saturday for a good cause. And this Texas girl who has a little Nashville soul in her thought it was pretty damn good. 1,2, BBQ!! #backbeatbbq #ridefordime #ridefordime2019 #foofighters.”

Dave Grohl revealed who he ripped off on “Everlong” a few days ago. A fan commented, “Did he pose or did you just catch him?” veritasaussies responded, “That’s a pose. I told him no one would believe me if I didn’t have a picture so he covered up his face! Haha. I have another where he’s “barfing” on my shirt.”

The fan also wrote, “Omg!! 😂😂 He’s great to do this! If I ever get to meet him, this is the kind of shot I want, or him flipping me off!”

vertasaussies responded, “My friend got one of him ‘stabbing’ him with a chef knife. It’s rad.” Dave Grohl revealed why Foo Fighters were booed at a major show last week.

