Gene Simmons Daughter Leaks Creepy Paul Stanley Photo


Gene Simmons‘ daughter, the budding songstress Sophie Simmons recently shared this photo with her looking as vibrant and radiant as ever as she poses next to a ripped, buff and chiseled Paul Stanley. Sophie is looking quite lean and tone as well as you can see that it looks like she has been working out her arms. Go Sophie and go Paul! You can view this photo below. Gene Simmons daughter ‘dress accident’ photo leaks.

In other news regarding Gene Simmons and KISS, fans recently took to the KISSFaq fan forum to discuss and debate what they felt was the most ‘active year’ in the history for ‘the hottest band in the land’. Fellow KISSfaq forum member Going Blind wrote: “I think Gene has said that most of the 7O’S (as far as Kiss goes anyway) was a blur to him. So much so that I think fans are more familiar with stats and things like track listings on the albums then he is. I guess the band didn’t really have time to sit back and reflect on anything, just a non-stop mad rush.” Gene Simmons daughter ‘bends over’ in leopard skin outfit.

Crazy Crazy Mike gave his say: “As a band, I think that it would have to be 1976. Two whole albums of new material, all of the touring, dealing with the most fame and public recognition that they had ever experienced at that point, etc. It had to be hectic. 1977 and 1978 were very busy too, but 1977 was probably a little less time in the studio and 1978 was less time together as a band but definitely still a lot of work as individuals. Gene Simmons daughter bad ‘hot tub’ photos revealed.