Howard Stern Reveals ‘Dirty’ Mick Jagger Secret


Howard Stern discussed The Rolling Stones frontman Mick Jagger recently criticizing President Trump for pulling out of the Paris climate agreement, leaving a ‘dirty’ world behind for future generations. Howard Stern called out a disgusting Keith Richards attack recently. recapped: Robin read a story about Mick Jagger coming out against the United States stance on climate change. Robin read about what Mick had to say about that. Howard said Mick is right about how we should be the leaders in this whole thing. He said this is the number one issue right now.

He said it’s startling what’s happening. He said the oceans are filled with plastic and the rain forest is burning down. He said it’s so distressing that we’re going to leave a world that’s so dirty for our children. He said the polar ice cap is melting. Mick Jagger was brutally hit at a recent The Rolling Stones concert.

Howard said there are things we can do to try to counteract this. He said if you think this planet is just for you and don’t care about the future then that’s a problem. He said he’s very disappointed in what Donald has done by pulling the United States out of it.

He said he’s not sure we can turn this thing around because there are so many people on this planet. He said the eating of animals is an issue. He said everything has to be looked at and addressed. Mick Jagger recently revealed a tragic loss.