Keith Richards Looks Strung Out On Heroin In Sad Photo


A rare photo of The Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards partying before he cleaned up his act has surfaced on the Twitter page Super 70’s Sports, a day after a Rolling Stones bandmate quitting ‘for good’ was revealed. They wrote, “I know it’s become a cliche, but it really is absolutely fucking amazing Keith Richards is still alive.” A fan named Eddie responded, “He says himself it’s because he did only the finest smack and never directly into the veins. But now we know it’s the HP sauce.”

Rocky Dijon posted on about why Keith Richards liked playing with Brian Jones, “Mick and Keith have always looked for another Brian to add ‘colour’ around the edges to their ideas. A nice understated way of saying they need someone to elevate their technically simple songs to a higher level.

He later said after summarizing side projects, “The difference is these were sidemen, arrangers, and producers whereas Brian was one of them. The more accomplished guitarist when the band was formed, they went the same route in selecting Mick Taylor to replace him. To be certain, Taylor’s musicianship elevated performances in the studio and onstage, but in a very different way – by simply being a jaw-dropping guitar player on what are deceptively simple compositions and arrangements. The Stones were the bar band with an inexplicable secret ingredient that made them impossible to successfully emulate. They were also far more eclectic than most credit them.” Keith Richards was caught sleeping with a bandmate in a photo last week.

“The fact that Brian was an abusive jerk doesn’t enter into my musical appreciation since I don’t have illusions that Mick and Keith are swell people either. Even Charlie can be a jerk to people and certainly Ronnie. They are hugely successful and out-of-touch with a world where they are not the center of the universe. Do I think they’re any worse than any other A-list talent? Of course not. Some people also have great interactions with them. It doesn’t change the fact that they still have huge character flaws and lapses in judgement.

Is Brian underrated in the scope of the band’s history? Of course, so is Bill, though Bill’s contributions were more subtle and being an introvert, it was even easier to pass him by. As for the conspiracy theories for and against, it’s all of interest. I’ll consider all the posts so long as they’re intelligent and impassioned. It’s all worth evaluating whether the conclusion is death by misadventure or foul play. It’s all part of the rich pageant that is The Rolling Stones. So is Brian Jones, half a century after his death. He is part of their DNA and far more than the spectral presence who haunts those nostalgic clips of yesteryear.” Keith Richards broke his silence recently after the last Stones show.