The Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards was on a plane that had a bad fuel leak, with some passengers fearing for their safety, though Richards seemed to have no fear of dying. Tom Petty’s daughter revealed a creepy Keith Richards photo a few days ago.
Jon Ronson said, “So the plane took off and when it reached Mach 2 (or is it Mack 2?) a sign illuminated and there was a ripple of applause. Then the plane began to LURCH and SLOW DOWN.
People looked alarmed. The captain came on the tannoy and said, ‘You may have noticed that we have slowed down…’ Then the tannoy malfunctioned. It was, ‘KSC KSC fuel leak KCH KCH we’re going to turn around…KCH KCH.’
A terrifying Keith Richards smoking video was recently uploaded. Ronson added, “The person sitting on the other side of me said, ‘Oh! The last time this happened they gave everyone £500 Marks and Spencer vouchers.’ The person in front said to their companion, ‘Did you hear that? We may get £500 pound Marks and Spencer vouchers.’
Anyway the pilot came out of the cockpit and started talking to passengers row by row. When it got to my row I guess he had to look at someone so he looked at me. He said, ‘You may have noticed that we’ve slowed down. It’s because we’ve got a fuel leak…’
‘We’ve turned around and are going to TRY and make it back to Heathrow, so please try and enjoy the…’ At this point the person sitting in front loudly whispered to me, ‘THE VOUCHERS! ASK HIM ABOUT THE VOUCHERS!'”
Keith Richards, cool as always, said he didn’t care, but he thought it’d anger Mick Jagger. A Mick Jagger and Prince death secret was recently revealed.