Madonna Family Reveals Sudden Tragedy


Popular singer Madonna’s oldest brother Anthony Ciccone recently passed away at the age of 66.

Madonna’s brother passes away

In a statement, Joe Henry, who is the husband of Madonna’s sister Melanie Ciccone, wrote: ”My brother-in-law, Anthony Gerard Ciccone, exited this earthly plane last evening. I’ve known him since I was 15, in the spring of our lives in Michigan so many years now gone.”

Madonna, who was born in Michigan to Catholic parents, grew up in the suburbs of Detroit with five siblings, the eldest of whom was Anthony, born two years before her in 1956.

Although she moved to New York in 1978 to pursue dance and embarked on what was going to be a hugely successful career, he stayed largely in Michigan, working on and off for their father, before falling victim to alcoholism and homelessness.

Anthony was a complex character; and god knows: we tangled in moments, as true brothers can. But I loved him, and understood him better than I was sometimes willing to let on,” he added.

”But trouble fades; and family remains – with hands reached across the table. Farewell, then, brother Anthony. I want to think the god your blessed mother (and mine) believed in has her there, waiting to receive you. At least for today, no one shall dissuade me from this vision,” said Ciccone, ending his note.

Like Madonna, Cicconi also spent time in New York in his 30s in the late 1980s.

Carolina Gengo, 59, who dated him at the time, described him in a positive light. ”He was a lost soul trying to find his way but he was a good person,” she said.

”He had books everywhere, that was all he really had. He was into reading about life and philosophy,” said Gengo. ‘‘And he wanted to sit around and talk about it,” she added.

He talked about what it was like being the brother of Madonna, he didn’t like being known as the brother of Madonna”, she said.