Mick Jagger Daughter Bends In Black Skirt Photo


The Rolling Stones singer Mick Jagger‘s daughter Georgia May Jagger was filmed doing push ups in a black skirt in Rome last week. Georgia May wrote on social media, “24 hours of push ups and pasta in Rome @girls.girls.girls.magazine directed by @paul.mclean1.” Mick Jagger being upset with a bandmate’s drug use in the studio was just revealed.

The Rolling Stones fans discussed the band’s new album on the IORR.org forum a few days ago. GerardHennessy posted, “What’s the betting we will be reading the same kinds of posts at Christmas 2020? Excited rumours about a new album ‘early in 2021’ Wild talk about Mick and Keith ‘intending to get together before next summer’ Press speculation that ‘there are definite plans to have something out before the autumn tour’ etc, etc, etc.

Sadly I’m not sure I care any longer. What I do hope is that, one way or another, the entire situation about another album is clarified. Will there be one? Or not! Will everything end in 2020? Or not! It would be a real shame if everything just sort of drifted away, and ends in confusion and apathy. Bring everything to a clean,clear and dignified end.

BabyBlue responded, “Autumn tour, isn’t it June, July, Aug.” GeraldHennesy then said, “Yup! It sure is. But I was not being literal – simply giving an example of the kind of thing we might well be reading this time next year. The specific details might vary but I believe things won’t have moved on very much – if at all! I’d really like to be wrong, but the band is now even older than when talk about a new album started. They will have even less energy in 2020.

I think the way Blue and Lonesome was made is quite significant. No real fuss, or bother. No long writing sessions. No complicated scheduling. Just go into a studio. Have a few laughs. Maybe a few beers. Get stuck in. Start a groove going. And press ‘record’. Even Eric Clapton’s presence was quite coincidental.

If they could make an album of original material in the same way I’m confident they would have done so already. But it would need a different process, and much more time. I honestly don’t think they have any real incentive or desire to do so now. They might LIKE the idea of another album. They may feel they OUGHT to do one last album. But they are old men with a heightened sense of their own mortality. And any energy they have will be devoted to the next tour.” Mick Jagger ‘abandoning’ The Rolling Stones was just detailed.
