Neil Peart ‘Goodbye Hug’ To Rush Icon Leaks


Fans of Rush and the late Neil Peart recently took to social media via prominent Rush message board TheRushForum to look for closure regarding their fallen drumming icon. Here, one member posted a message by Rush writer and historian, Kevin Anderson who documents one of his last moments with Peart. Neil Peart’s heartbreaking rumored funeral revealed.

“At least I got to say goodbye. As it became clear that the time was getting close, I frantically looked for when I could schedule a trip to LA to see Neil, but if you’ve followed my posts, you know that this was one of my most crammed years for travel, as well as my two-week Residency at college. I also flew out to Arizona four times to see my dad as he was in the last stages of liver cancer. (He died July 27.)”

Rush fan reveals Neil Peart ‘angry’ sickness rant. Anderson continued: “I stared at the calendar and it just didn’t seem possible to add another trip, never home for more than one or two days at a time. Screw it. I contacted Neil, “Are you free for lunch Tuesday? I’ll come to LA.” He was. I bought a ticket, got on a plane in the morning, flew to LAX, caught an Uber and went to the Cave (Neil’s private sanctuary). He was glad to see me, we talked for an hour, and we discussed Clockwork Destiny, even though we both knew it would never be finished in time for him to read it.”

The post by Anderson also said: “We went out to a nice lunch and on the way back, he asked, “So what brings you to LA? Do you have a conference?” I was surprised. “No, I came to see you.” He was clearly dubious. “No, why are you really here?” “I came to see you. I fly back home this afternoon.” He paused for a long time, trying to get his head around the idea. Anybody who knew Neil will understand it. He just didn’t let himself believe that someone would do that.”

John Lennon’s son makes Neil Peart ‘teen boy’ claim. The post by Anderson concluded: “Back at the Cave, we talked some more, but he was starting to lose energy and needed to rest, so I called an Uber to take me to the airport. Standing in the doorway he gave me a big hug—because he was about a foot taller than me—and I told him how much he meant to me, and he said he loved me. And that’s the last time I saw him, and now I can’t stop crying. I’m so glad I did it, and I couldn’t have written it better if I tried. At least I got to say goodbye, and I will treasure that always.”