Paul McCartney Reveals George Harrison Deathbed ‘Threat’


George Harrison, the incomparable, iconic late guitarist of the Beatles would have turned seventy-six years old this year. Unfortunately, Harrison died from a battle of cancer in 2001 at the age of fifty-eight. The George Harrison fan account on Twitter, astria | stream all things must pass posted this unearthed account from Paul McCartney who recalled the last time he ever saw Harrison and how he was afraid he was going to slap him, which ultimately didn’t happen. John Lennon’s ‘goodbye’ letter to George Harrison was also revealed. John Lennon’s ‘goodbye’ letter to George Harrison was also revealed.

The last time I met him, he was very sick and I held his hand for four hours. As I was doing it, I was thinking “I’ve never held his hand before, ever. This is not what two Liverpool fellas do, no matter how well you know each other.” I kept thinking, “he’s going to smack me here.” But he didn’t. He just stroked my hand with his thumb and I thought “Ah, this is OK, this is life. It’s tough but it’s lovely. That’s how it is.” I knew George before I knew any of the others and I loved that man. I’m so proud to have known him.

In other news regarding George Harrison fans continue to honor his legacy to this day as they reflect on his masterclass 1970 album ‘All Things Must Pass’.

One fan reviewer stated: “This is the third vinyl copy of this album I own. The other two are an original Apple pressing and one on the purple Capitol (large logo) label. I used to think the Apple pressing was superior, but this one takes the cake. I’m hearing details I either missed the first time around or just could never hear. Lots of depth and clarity and the vinyl is dead quiet and flat. The package is a virtual replica of the Apple box, right down to the poster. They put the discs themselves in nice separate sleeves so you can preserve the lyric sleeves. Really a nice job all the way around. I am more than satisfied.

Paul McCartney revealed if George Harrison went broke fairly recently. Whereas another penned: “Probably one of the greatest post-Beatles solo albums from one of the four, if not THE greatest. Don’t expect this CD to have the ‘jam session’ like on side 4 for those of you familiar with the album. It doesn’t. But it’s got all the hits as well as other songs that all seem to blend nicely together. One of my all-time favorite albums. Always a good purchase for any Beatle/George Harrison fan. A staple for any well-rounded music collection.”