Pearl Jam launched a ticket lottery for their spring 2020 North American tour with Ticketmaster, but one thing that was not made clear to many fans was that your Ten Club email needs to match your Ticketmaster email, despite many fans using different emails for both, as what was implied in the announcement was you needed to make sure the names matched. Despite this, fans noted still getting tickets even when using differing emails. Pearl Jam recently announced their new album title and cover.
Pearl Jam fans pay for a Ten Club membership annually largely just to get tickets when the band tour every handful of years, so this has led to massive frustration. Many fans also haven’t received emails telling them if they won or lost in the lottery, and others have questioned the methodology for the lottery.
IlliniGuy76 posted on the Ten Club board, “Response from TM (not from 10C YET): Thank you for contacting Ten Club’s Ticketmaster Presale Support. We are happy to assist you.
As long as the email you used for the request is the same as the one for both your Ticketmaster account and your Ten Club membership, then there wouldn’t be any problems.
We apologize for any inconvenience. If you have any further questions or concerns please let us know. Have a great day!
Thank You,
Edgar J.
Ten Club’s Ticketmaster Presale Support
Hilarious – now it appears email is important even though it clearly states in the rules names need to match. Hilarious!”
As many already have pointed out, ticketmaster does not match your name. It does not matter if your name is there or not, or if it is spelled differently at 10c vs Ticketmaster.
What matters is that your e-mail address matches with your 10c profile (which it had to do for you to be able to add a request?), that your billing address matches the file at the bank and that you have sufficient funds on your card.
I understand that a lot of people are very stressed and/or disappointed and are trying to come up with an explanation for why this and that, but speculations are only leading to one thing: More stress and anxiety, also for others than yourself.
Ten Club support at ticketmaster wrote this to me just av few minutes ago:
Regarding your concern about the spelling on your last name, I investigate a little bit more for you and actually no, it would not affect the spelling of last name, (the o with the dash) most importantly is the email spelled correctly, which we have, billing address matching with file on bank and funds available on your card.
So. Those of you who are still waiting: Hang in there!”
Pearl Jam lost a big name on their new album. Cmcard wrote, “I’m starting to think my biggest mistake was coming to the board at all. I wasn’t worried at all, now …did I submit right, what is best available, is Ticketmaster account correct, what address is on file, is credit card authorized…
Surely as long as you got the confirmation email of submission you are fine(assuming you have money in account and name selected)
Anyway…shows I put in for haven’t drawn yet. So guess I’ll wait some more, and read and get worried more.
Moses_I said, “Shut out once again. Ten Club, I would like an explanation. As the title says. I’m a loyal Ten Club member who once again didn’t get Ten Club tickets to any shows (specifically in my town Toronto). I would like someone from the Ten Club to explain how this happened when other ppl got all four shows (and will probably get even more US dates) with a third choice Toronto pick. And it appears I’m not the only one. I’m sorry but this is ridiculous and needs be addressed! Thank you.
To the good ppl in the Ten Club. If anyone by chance got two extra tickets for Toronto and/or Hamilton, I will be happy to take them off your hands. Thanks!”
Cannotstaylong wrote, “Based on multiple posts over the past few days, it’s clear that there is a large number of 10C members who still have not received any email confirmation from Ticketmaster/Ticketstoday in connection with the upcoming US shows. The problem seems to be affecting a lot folks who submitted for both of the LA shows and/or both of the Oakland shows, but I’m also hearing of similar situations with other shows as well.
As far as I can tell, the situation seems to be the following:
1) We submitted ticket requests for multiple shows.
2) Ticketmaster confirmed receipt of our submission and promised an email by Sunday, January 19 confirming whether we scored tix.
3) We received a confirmation email from Ticketstoday confirming we won or lost tickets for some, but not all, of the shows we requested.
4) We are still waiting for an email from Ticketstoday in connection with the remaining shows included in our initial request.
Here is my situation, to reflect the problem more clearly:
– I requested Best Available for Oakland night 1 (1st priority) and Best Available for Oakland night 2 (2nd priority).
– Ticketmaster confirmed my submission for both shows.
– I received an email confirmation from Ticketstoday on Friday telling me I scored tickets for Oakland night 1.
– I still have not received any email (win or lose) from Ticketstoday regarding Oakland night 2. I double checked my spam folder, nothing there.”