Rage Against The Machine ‘Kick Out’ Big Name Before Tour


Rage Against The Machine made their first political group statement since announcing their 2020 reunion tour last week, stating their intention to help kick Boris Johnson out of power as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. Johnson and the conservatives ended up winning the election in a landslide.

Rage Against The Machine dropped a John Frusciante bombshell earlier this week. RATM wrote, “It’s Election Day in the UK. As Tom gloriously displayed on his guitar this year… F**K BORIS! So to celebrate exactly 10 years since Killing In The Name shocked the UK to become the No.1 single, let’s tactically kick Boris OUT of power. To do this in a UK election… (1/9).”

They also retweeted Tim Johns, “Remember the extraordinary time Rage Against the Machine made Christmas #1 in 2009? I’m just re-living the moment when 5Live booked them for an interview/performance (HUGE CREDIT) & expected them not to swear (LESS CREDIT) and this incredible broadcasting moment happened.”

Rage Against The Machine then tweeted, “So it was 10 years ago about right now that @ShelaghFogarty uttered those 4 words where we realised the UK No.1 single was in our grasp #GETRIDOFIT.”

Tom Morello wrote about The Clash a few days ago on Instagram, “Dec. 12, 1980 this Clash triple album came out. The band insisted it cost the price of a single album. Fearless explorations of diverse musical genres, insightful and clever political lyrics and full on Clash rock n roll bravado.

It has been said that it if whittled down it would make an all time great single album. Here’s my version: SIDE ONE: 1. Police on my back 2. Magnificent seven 3. Somebody got murdered 4. Rebel waltz 5. One more time SIDE TWO: 1. Lightning strikes 2. The call up 3. The sound of the sinners 4. Charlie don’t surf 5. Washington bullets #Sandinista #TheClash.” A Rage Against The Machine member just ripped an awful singer performance.