A Red Hot Chili Peppers fan named Dale recently posted on the John Frusciante Facebook group that Chad Smith has shot down rumors that John Frusciante is playing synth instead of guitar on the new RHCP album, like he has on his solo material over the last decade. A Red Hot Chili Peppers member’s ‘sickness’ after the recent firing was just revealed.
“Just bumped into Chad Smith in a bar before the Lakers game (WHAT!!!) and asked him about John and the new stuff. He said they’re not in the studio yet, but currently writing the new material and John is back on guitar, not synth or anything. He can’t wait for everyone too hear it. I said, ‘I’m a huge Frusciante fan.’ And he said, ‘Yeah, so am I!” and cheered me with his drink. Legend.”
AssdogDave0 commented on Reddit, “I honestly wouldn’t expect a 2020 release if they’re not in the studio. I didn’t even assume they were, but I’ve still been blindly hoping, I guess.
Also, as a side note, John has played the synth in the studio for RHCP for years.” RHCPTom wrote, “Honestly, its still kinda not sunk in that John is back, it’ll be awesome seeing him performing with the boys again come May. Plus can’t wait for new material.” Rated_PG-Squirteen chimed in, “It won’t fully sink in for me until I see John on stage performing with Anthony, Flea, and Chad again.”
John Frusciante replaced Josh Klinghoffer in Red Hot Chili Peppers last month, and he is set to play festivals with RHCP in the spring, with a new album expected in 2020 or 2021. Josh Klinghoffer ‘apologizing’ to Red Hot Chili Peppers fans was just revealed.