Rush Drummer Family Reveal Truth About Retirement


Rush drummer Neil Peart’s father Glen recalled his son’s time as a parts manager in Ontario, Canada for a recent feature for Here, the elder Peart discusses his retirement and reveals why he had to leave the parts service center in Ontario. Neil Peart dropped this Rush tour bombshell recently.

He tells the site:

I ran the business, Dalziel Equipment, for a few more years and then closed it. It never did reopen as a dealership. A few years later, my daughter and her husband took me for a little drive in St. Catharines. There was a small shopping mall where our dealership had stood.”

This ‘thin And pale’ Rush icon photo was recently revealed. The elder Peart continued:

“As to Ontario Retail Farm Equipment Dealers Association (ORFEDA). The original owner of the dealership (Don Dalziel) was one of the original charter members of ORFEDA and had been always personally involved in its success. So, when I took over his dealership, it was only natural that I joined, became an active member and served as Secretary-Treasurer for 5 years. I knew that the present ORFEDA Manager was due to retire, so I threw my name in the hat. After a round of discussions, the Board of Directors decided to take a chance on a “retread” farm equipment dealer to run ORFEDA. I lasted for 19 years until I retired in 1998 and loved every minute of it — working with people that I trusted and admired!”

Rush singer Geddy Lee revealed this shocking Neil Peart coke photo. In other headlines revolving Rush, the group’s famed frontman Geddy Lee took to social media via Instagram to reveal various new dates for a tour to promote his wildly successful book entitled, Geddy Lee’s Big Beautiful Book of Bass. Lee states that he will be popping into Seattle, Denver, Phoenix, and Austin so be on the lookout if you want to see the “Tom Sawyer” rocker. Details can be found in the post below.  You can buy the Rush frontman’s book HERE.

Geddy Lee recently posted on social media, “Yes, the Official (yet, increasingly random) BBBoB Book Tour is at it again, this time I’ll be popping into Seattle, Denver, Phoenix and Austin to say hey and sign some books …so all you Bass Nerds, Musos and…“normal folk” come on down for a quick chat and a fist bump…! Hope to see you there! All details in bio link.”