Rush Singer Reveals If He Really Hates Neil Peart


Rush fans have been saddened for the last four years after the band split due to Neil Peart retiring, but Rush singer Geddy Lee doesn’t have any hate in his heart after the breakup, sending Neil love on his 67th birthday yesterday. Geddy Lee made a painful health revelation earlier this week.

“I’ve had the enduring and consummate pleasure of working beside this awesome dude for over 40 years, the bonus of which (aside from the laughs) was a nightly ringside seat to one of the greatest exhibitions of drumming imaginable… and now it’s time to wish our brother, bandmate and fellow comedian ‘Peke’ a Most Supremely Happy Birthday ! #yepheisgoodalright #prettyprettygood #drummersaremusicianstoo #orarethey #welaughedwecriedweputoneffincostumes #bubbarules #NeilPeartrulestoo #downthereinViennathere #pekelekedeke.”

Rush recently revealed where the reclusive Neil Peart is hiding. rockin_professor commented, “Happy 67th Birthday to not only an amazing drummer, but perhaps the single most influential lyricist in my life. From the time I discovered “Grace Under Pressure,” Neil Peart’s writing has been a part of my consciousness. I even named my PhD dissertation ‘Between The Wheels!’ 🎂”

Mike Portnoy said, “Happy Birthday to one of my biggest drumming heroes and overall inspirations…who I am now honored to call a friend as well: Thank you & Happy Birthday #neilpeart @rush.”

stars.of.the.northern.cross wrote on social media, “Everyone!! Stop what you’re doing and help me wish a HUGE happy birthday to our Professor, Neil Peart!! Words can’t describe how much you’ve impacted so many lives through your awe-inspiring work. You never fail to leave me speechless with your talent. We love you, Pratt! Have a great day ❤️” Geddy Lee announced Neil Peart’s comeback project a few days ago.