Aerosmith frontman Steven Tyler‘s daughter, Mia Tyler took to social media via Instagram to repost the following story about a parent that was asking for sunscreen. While Mia is beautiful in every photo she posts, she claims she posts some that she sees as ugly as it is an honest part of parenting, and influencers who make everything look perfect aren’t being honest. Steven Tyler’s daughter took this racy beach swimsuit photo a couple of days ago. The post which has also a message about parenting and being able to call for help. The Steven Tyler family unloaded on this ‘Toxic’ relationship recently. The post can be seen below:
“This morning while at the park, I noticed a mama playing catch with her toddler as she swayed back and forth, patting the rush of the newborn tucked tightly against her chest. A while later I glanced up to see her approach me. She shrugged her shoulders and quietly said: “I’m embarassed to even ask, but do you happen to have sunscreen we can use?” As if she was somehow ashamed that she forgot to pack sunscreen today.
Dear fellow mamas,
Please ask me if I have sunscreen. Ask if I have baby wipes, diapers or even extra snacks.
Ask me if your toddler can sit down and play with us while you find a shady bench to nurse your newborn.
Hand me your phone and ask me to take a picture of you with your sweet babies – we know mamas aren’t in enough photos.
Ask for help. Ask for love. Ask for anything.
Even though we are strangers, please ask me.
It’s not easy being responsible for little humans but it’s easier if we help each other out.
We’re all in this together.”
To which Mia Tyler posted the following about the story via Instagram:
“This storyline post got A LOT of responses so I’m just gonna leave it here. One of the hardest things I’ve had to do in the last 3 years is 1. Learn how to ask for help 2. Actually ask and 3. Be ok with the guilt of asking for help. So if you need help, ask. It’s ok to feel guilty and think you’re not being a good parent, but the truth is… asking for help is being a good parent. We all wanna be this super hero parent that doesn’t exist. The first step is to stop following “influencer” accounts that glorify pretty parenting and doesn’t show the ugly side. Cuz most of the time parenting is ugly. We are teaching little people who can’t communicate or think on our level how to be humans. That’s not easy nor is it pretty. Understanding it’s hard and that we all are dealing with our own battles is the first step. Asking for help is the 2nd. So if you see me out and you need help, ask. If you see another parent that looks like they might need help, ask. If you are in any way needing assistance, fucking ask! And don’t feel bad about it. That’s what we as humans should be all about. Being here for one another through the good and bad. ✌🏻&❤️ Steven Tyler offended this A-List model in this disgusting video.