Former Blink-182 singer/guitarist Tom DeLonge has confirmed that he has been in contact with Blink-182 bassist and co-lead vocalist, Mark Hoppus. In a new in Instagram post where DeLonge was shown taking a picture of his new girlfriend in beautiful Sun Valley, Idaho when he dropped the news: “My sweetheart in Sun Valley.. And yes, don’t worry- I also talked to @markhoppus too, cause he was out here, as well”. Blink-182 icon ‘makes out’ with young girlfriend after divorce.
In other news regarding Blink-182 acclaimed bassist and co-lead vocalist Mark Hoppus revealed why he hates the persona of ‘rock star’ in a new interview with Rock Sound magazine. Blink-182 member unloads on ‘pedophile’ accusation.
He told the publication: “I’ve always hated the rock star persona, personally, for myself. We as a band have never wanted to put ourselves on a pedestal above an audience and be heralded and lauded by everyone. The thing with blink has always been, ‘It’s a party and everyone’s invited. We’re here, you’re here, let’s connect in some way and have a great time. Let’s sing songs to one another, have a great time together at the show’, and you know, I have a lot more fun on social media being myself and being silly, posting random thoughts here and there, rather than trying to have the whole thing be, ‘Look how cool I am’, because that’s not who I am anyway.”
Blink-182 drummer Travis Barker just reacted to a bold reunion claim. He later continued discussing the importance of treating people who look up to him with kindness: “Yeah, I’ve never understood the mentality that some people have with it at all. The only reason that we get to do what we do and have the lives that we have is because people listen to our music, buy the albums, come to the shows and support us. So I don’t understand why people would be lame to the very people who support them. It seems so ridiculous to me. I am thankful for every album sold, every song that’s listened to, every time that I see someone wearing a T-shirt of ours. It makes me happy.”