Tool Member Hints At Hiring Surprising Singer


Tool guitarist Adam Jones has hinted at hiring Melvins frontman Buzz Osbourne for a new supergroup with Tim Biskup. Jones wrote, “#TheGongShow @tbiskup @realkingbuzzo 🤘🏽🤘🏽.”

A Tool fan recently compared Maynard James Keenan’s live singing to Vince Neil from Motley Crue. Squidload wrote, “Why doesn’t Maynard sing some of their most powerful lines live these days? That “hold the mic out to the crowd” move is some pretty lame Vince Neil shit. Perhaps the band should tune down more songs (Drop C or even B) so that Maynard can actually hit the notes…”

Maynard James Keenan was booed at a recent Tool show for a sad reason. Tomaszpie92 responded, “The only line I’ve seen him consistently skip is the end of Vicarious. Half of that is the difficulty of the scream, the other half is for poetic effect given the context of the lyrics. He’s nailing everything else. You hear any of the Intolerance, Part of Me or Swamp Song performances on this tour? Ridiculous. He’s crushing it night in and night out.

Edit: Also they’re already tuning The Pot down, so obviously that option has occurred to them. Doesn’t feel like they really need to do it for anything else. But they’d know before I did lol.”

StaffnFextion said, “Complaining about their live shows is pretty nit picky. Great performance every time I’ve seen them. I think in the present form the songs stand up just fine. The songs are bigger than one line.” Maynard James Keenan was ‘thrown out’ of the studio recently.