Yoko Ono Leaks Sad John Lennon Photo After Shooting


John Lennon‘s widow, Yoko Ono posted the following series of tweets recently to raise awareness of the steady number of deaths regarding the gun violence epidemic and in honor of her husband’s memory. One tweet was a photo with the shocking statistic that over one million, four hundred thousand people have been shot and killed in the United States since Lennon had been killed. George Harrison unloading on John Lennon hatred recently revealed.

Ono stated on Twitter: “Dear Friends. Every day, one-hundred Americans are shot and killed with guns. We are turning this beautiful country into a War Zone. Together, let’s bring back America, the green land of Peace.”

This John Lennon ‘ugly’ remark before death was newly revealed. She then followed up that tweet by stating: “The death of a loved one is a hollowing experience. After 39 years, Sean, Julian and I still miss him. Imagine all the people living life in peace. Yoko Ono Lennon. 8 December 2019”

Fans responded in kind via her Twitter as well. One fan wrote: “Yoko, my heart breaks for you and the boys. 39 years ago I was giving birth to my first son and while I was in labor the tragic news came on the television and my heart sank. So while it was one of the most happiest occasions it was also the saddest. God bless you, Julian & Sean”

This John Lennon ‘doctor’ photo before dying was released not too long ago. Whereas another Twitter user said: “I couldn’t agree with you more Yoko. You’ve lived with the consequences of this since John was killed and for what? The right to bare arms should have been reassessed after JFK was assassinated. Unless you have good reason no more guns period. John Lennon Rest in Peace.”