AC/DC singer Brian Johnson revealed how Angus Young and Malcolm Young told him to avoid ‘nonsense’ onstage and to not speak between songs when he joined the band. Alternative Nation transcribed the Dan Rather interview comments. Brian Johnson revealed if he used heroin yesterday.
“It was just sensational, yet we were always under the radar. We never went to big openings, or to the party you had to be to. Malcolm and Angus set the standard, and that standard was, ‘Just keep away from everybody. When you’re onstage, don’t talk. They’ve come to hear the music.
None of this blabbing in the middle we love your city, it’s cool, we love it here. Just say nothing.’ I think it worked for us, it just kept us away from a bunch of nonsense.”
An AC/DC icon recently revealed how he went broke. Inferno posted on about the latest AC/DC tour rumors, “To everyone saying the band is done (and I’m not necessarily in disagreement with you), I can remember back in the ‘Angus can do what he wants’ days, when we were debating what constitutes ‘AC/DC’, a great number of people here seemed to believe that Angus lived for playing in front of an audience, and even if core members of the band were gone, Angus and AC/DC (or Angus as AC/DC) would keep on moving.
So what happened to that? Even if Brian is gone and Cliff is gone, and even if Phil screws up again, what makes you think that Angus won’t be back out on the road with AC/DC in some form? Why would it all be done and he just whimpers away? Again, I’m not saying I disagree with this thought. Just curious where it is coming from.” An AC/DC icon recently revealed his firing phone call.