Bono Called ‘Liar’ By U2 Fans For Disrespect At Concert


We recently reported how Bono and U2 gained a ‘mixed reaction’ during one of the group’s latest stops in Manilla, Philippines over paying tribute to journalist Maria Ressa. In addition, we also reported on how, some fans who attended the show took to social media via Twitter to post their disdain towards the politically active and conscious frontman – going so far as to allegedly claim and hint that Bono is a tax evader.

In yet another follow up to that story, more concert-goers and supporters of the Filipino president, Rodrigo Duterte took to social media to vent their frustrations at U2 in counter-protest defending the president.

One Twitter user, stated: “You nailed it Maam, trxangeles! Dear Bono, U2! We did not support Maria Ressa, we don’t care, she is a lier. We voted our President & we supported him all the way!” This Twitter user also shared a Facebook post that commented on the situation that said the following. You can read it below.

Dear Bono:

The basic premise of our government is that power resides in the people. Duterte retains the support and approval of the majority. We voted for him. He speaks for us. We did not vote for Ressa. We do not care for her. She does not speak for us. Feel free to admire her, but understand this, we will ride into hell for our old man Digong. And nothing you say will change our minds about that. Fck your narrative.


Bono recently apologizes for this horrible U2 show mistake. Maria Ressa has also been very proactive during this situation as well, as she recently tweeted this involving the latest U2 controversy: “Good morning from Manila! “To be one, to be united is a great thing. But to respect the right to be different is maybe even greater.”