Howard Stern Reveals Axl Rose Lost Massive Paycheck


Axl Rose and Guns N’ Roses are wrapping up a fall 2019 North American tour, and Howard Stern discussed a concert his crew once attended where Axl Rose cost himself a massive amount of money. Axl Rose accidentally hit Slash’s girlfriend when filming a recent show. recapped: Howard said Guns N’ Roses allowed them to have their concert on Howard 101. Howard said he wasn’t able to go because it was just too late for him. He said that the boys who did go said it was great. The show went from 10:30pm to 1:30am. Howard said they opened up with ”It’s so Easy.” Howard played some of that performance. Howard said the band was so forceful that the whole place was shaking. He said Richard was scared from the shaking.

Slash’s girlfriend revealed a creepy Axl Rose photo a few days ago. Howard said they did ”Night Train” so he played some of that. Howard said they did all of their good ones. Howard said he loves that. Robin said she thinks they have to sprinkle in some of their other stuff. Howard said he doesn’t.

Howard said the concert went 3 hours. He said that Richard does that head banging thing and he hurt his neck really bad. Howard said he really did. Howard played Guns N’ Roses performing ”Paradise City.” Howard said Axl threw his microphone into the audience and it was a $2,000 microphone. Howard said someone has a $2,000 microphone they left with. Howard thanked the boys for giving them the concert. Axl Rose threw his microphone into the audience at another recent GNR show.