One iconic KISS guitar got one hell of a makeover! Acclaimed KISS frontman Paul Stanley recently took to social media via Twitter to showcase how he sent one of his prized sunburst Les Paul Guitars off for a tuneup by the legendary establishment – historic makeovers. The man called ‘Starman’ tweeted: “I had an awesome ’59 Sunburst Les Paul with a not great refin. I saw Joe Bonamassa’s reworked one and sent mine off to historic makeovers and Wow! Thanks, Kim And The Team!” You can view the final product below. Paul Stanley unloads after ‘miserable’ KISS firing
In other news regarding Paul Stanley and the ‘Hottest Band in the Land’, fans recently took to the KISSFaq fan forum to discuss which tribute bands for the ‘hottest band in the land’ are their favorites if any – and if there are any tribute acts that are truly up to snuff.
One fan, 41Mets wrote: “There are still many active ones. I enjoy them a lot. It’s a great night out for 10 bucks to see some passionate fans try to replicate the classic eras, etc. I just saw Kiss Army a few months ago here in NYC and they travel a lot. They have been around in some form since the 1990s. Unmasked here in NY is great. They play with no makeup and just deep cuts like Watchin You and Take Me. Alive 75 is very busy in the Northeast. Some of these trib bands come and go but some stay around awhile. You can find a lot of them on Facebook.” Paul Stanley ‘gains muscle’ in KISS gym photo.
Whereas ctgrman replied: “You could take all KISS tribute bands and if you are lucky, you might be able to assemble one decent band. There are always multiple members that look funny and just don’t pull off the look. Vocally, Paul is almost impossible to replicate which is a deal-breaker. KISS is a band that shouldn’t have tribute bands trying to replicate their looks, sound, & moves. No one can really pull it off anyway and most of the time it’s embarrassing to watch.” Paul Stanley ‘refuses’ to leave store in KISS photo.
I Had An AWESOME’59 Sunburst Les Paul With A Not Great Refin. I Saw @JBONAMASSA ’s Reworked One And Sent Mine Off To Historic Makeovers And WOW!!! Thanks Kim And The Team!
— Paul Stanley (@PaulStanleyLive) February 13, 2020