Paul Stanley Massive KISS Paycheck Revealed


KISS frontman Paul Stanley is apparently raking in the cash! According to KISSFaq member Doose, legendary KISS rhythm guitarist and co-lead vocalist Paul Stanley has sold over two-hundred thousand dollars in guitars to pay for an upcoming KISS Kruise concert event.” Paul Stanley revealed this terrible Jimmy Page photo a couple of days ago.

Doose writes on the forum: “If you go to you can see what’s been sold and what’s available. With plenty still available, he’s already sold over $204,000 in guitars and microphones just for the Kruise. So the $20 million figure I think is quite real.”

Fans responded pretty quickly to Doose’s claim.

Paul Stanley grabbed this young A-list actress in a recent photo. BlackDiamond67 wrote: “Paul’s site doesn’t give all units sold. He has also sold guitars that only he, Keith, Fran, and the owner know about. A guitar from a special video or appearance gets at least $25K. Guitars from his “Weapons of Choice collection Start at $15K Then, add the fact that each stage-played custom shop Ibanez or Washburn guitar from each show of each tour is $15K – $18,500 at a minimum. Next, add the PS120s (and Washburn equivalents) that go for $8000 if played as well as the ones he sells signed unplayed. Finally, add the broken ones. During this tour alone, Paul has crushed it with sales. He really started making big money when he started selling played custom shop guitars a few years ago mike the PS10, PS1CM, PS2CM, and the new gold cracked mirror, Ibanez.”

Attra put: “He’s been doing it for about 15 years right? 125 shows per year….probably 2 per night, that’s $18,000,000 with an average price of $5,000/guitar. It’s a great way for him to sell his celebrity and the guitars he gets for free. Fans get to pretend that the guitar is Paul’s guitar…but it’s just a guitar he touched once. It’s like how Wayne Gretzky put on a different jersey for each shift in his last game.”  This recent Paul Stanley ‘horrifying’ photo surprises KISS fans.