The trippy Pink Floyd guitarist and songwriter David Gilmour, talked about the artwork of Pink Floyd’s most legendary albums during the most recent episode of the Pink Floyd podcast entitled, ‘The Lost Art of Conversation: A Pink Floyd Podcast.’ Here, Gilmour discusses the making of the album of cover behind ‘A Momentary Lapse of Reason’ which including five-hundred old-style hospital beds. Alternative Nation transcribed Gilmour’s comments. David Gilmour savagely called out this Pink Floyd ‘loudmouth’.
Interviewer: When it came to ‘A Momentary Lapse of Reason’, you are not only expected to follow the musical footsteps of Pink Floyd but you’re also expected to visually produce something that’s got the weight, scale, and the creativity that those previous album covers had. How do you go about that? David Gilmour recently revealed hiring big names for new Pink Floyd.
David Gilmour: Well, with difficulty. I drew a picture myself of a room with a window and a bed which was [a] empty bedside table with a picture frame on it with nothing in it. I said to Storm that I’m thinking something about, you know, this line from this song called Vision From An Empty Bed and I showed him this picture and he said: “Yeah okay, how about we have five-hundred empty beds.” I said, “Show me.” So, they got down there to Salton Sands and put all those beds up and took that picture which took a massive amount of work and time with hundreds of people having to move them all and rush them all away again as the tide came back in, then rushed them all back again and then do it again.
Interviewer: There’s some footage of the day that was shot that’s included in the boxset here. You can see them unloading and packing and it’s sort of, I don’t know, they’re not staged beds, they’re big metal frame beds. David Gilmour ‘messes up’ Pink Floyd guitar solo.
Gilmour: Yeah, hospital beds. Sort of the style of old hospital beds.