Rage Against The Machine Tour ‘Cancelation’ Revealed


Rage Against The Machine have ‘canceled’ the ticket surge Ticketmaster feature for their tour, and Tom Morello has threatened to sue Ticketmaster and their parent company Live Nation if they go back on their word about ticket pricing in a series of new tweets. Charity tickets for the RATM tour are very expensive, while Morello has said normal tickets are not to be sold for more than $125.

CincyBeachBum wrote, “I think Ticketmaster has a surge feature much like Lyft or Uber does. Not sure how it works because i buy directly from venue.” Morello responded, “We disabled that for our tour.”

Gnaz said, “Um I’m sorry I went on Ticketmaster yesterday and nose bleed was at $450 a ticket.” Morello responded, “If it’s on ticketmaster for more than the base price it should be a Charity Ticket and say so. If not, send a screen shot and we will sue them!”

Leprechaun FX tweeted, “I thought this whole “charity” thing was supposed to prevent this scalper issue. Isn’t that the official statement made? If you’re saying those are scalpers, I’d say this experiment failed.”

Morello shot back, “So far we stopped approx 85% of the scalping market but I agree that ANY scalping is horrible and we will continue to combat it.”

He also said, “10% of all Tix reserved for charity. 100% of money above base price on each ticket goes to charities in that city. Charity price fluctuates to counter scalping. When we have final numbers will list charities. Over $3m raised for charity in first 48 hrs.”

JB III wrote, “It’s confusing, but I think i totally get the system now. The standards are the $125, and if it’s higher than that it’s listed as a charity ticket wherethe money over $125 on those is donated to charity. So if you’re only seeing charity tickets it’s sold out of the standard tix.” Morell wrote to him, “Bless your heart YES YES YES.” A huge rumored Rage Against The Machine firing was just revealed.