Slash Reveals Who Is ‘Back’ With Guns N’ Roses


Guns N’ Roses guitarist Slash revealed in a new photo on the band’s official Twitter that the toy dinosaur he used to have onstage is finally back. Guns N’ Roses tweeted, “He’s back…”

Aldhi responded, “When the photo was still loading, I thought you tweeted about Izzy.” Gerardo commented, “Yes, the dino is back, I saw it in Vegas, my advice: don’t bring it to Mexico someone may steal it!!! And always remember to keep an eye on your belongings.”

Guns N’ Roses are rumored to release a new album in 2020, and fans on GNREvolution weighed in on how the band should work with songs Axl Rose has in the vault. Jimmythegent wrote, “I hope Uncle Axl re-does his vocals…”

James responded, “Absolutely. If we were just getting some type of compilation/box set of the Chinese years, I’d be ok with it as is. Any other scenario….yes…the vocals need to be redone completely. If not, at least take the Cornell approach with Black Rain where it’s a mix of old/new vocals and you can’t tell which is which. He should’ve done it with CD. Songs like Madagascar and The Blues begged for a fresh vocal take.”

Slash’s hotel room items were sold for stunning money a few days ago. Elevendayempire said, “I’m curious as to whether the other members will be contributing. Dizzy and Melissa have plenty of song writing credits outside of GN’R (Frank, as far as I can tell from a skim of the ASCAP database, doesn’t). On Chinese Democracy, Pitman (whose slot Melissa occupies) and Brain had plenty of writing credits. So why’s no-one asked Dizzy, Melissa and Frank whether they’re contributing song ideas?”

James chimed in, “I’ve said it since day one of the reunion….Melissa has too much potential to just be squandered as a stunt player. Her performance of Sorry at that NBA game alone shows what she can bring to the GNR table.”

Sky Dog wrote, “I’m starting to not like the idea of redoing songs that were likely redone 10 ten times already. The spirit of the songs is beaten to death. The new group has had 3 and a half years to write their own songs. Let the Chinese Democracy sessions be done. Either release a box set for the freaks like us or release the songs as an Axl Rose solo album.” Slash broke his silence on a fired Guns N’ Roses bandmate recently.