Tool Member Makes ‘Sick’ Revelation After Quitting


Tool guitarist Adam Jones was recently interviewed on Talk is Jericho, and he revealed that former bassist Paul D’Amour told him he was ‘sick’ of playing guitar when he said he wanted to play bass in Tool. Ironically enough, just a few years like D’Amour reportedly pushed the idea of becoming a second guitarist in Tool and bringing in a new bassist before he left. Alternative Nation transcribed Jones’ comments. Maynard James Keenan revealed why he’s selfish yesterday.

“Then we found Paul D’Amour, he was a friend of a friend of mine, and he had moved down from Seattle. He was a really good guitar player, but he said he was just totally sick of playing guitar, he just wanted to play bass. We said, ‘Okay let’s jam, because we need a bass player.’ But he kind of played the bass like a guitar, it was cool, like chords.”

Tool’s producer revealed who Greta Van Fleet ripped off earlier this week. moremoguls posted on Reddit recently about Tool tour ticket prices, “Secondary market prices are slipping. I managed to snag tickets to the Wednesday show in Denver just yesterday. Secondary market prices are dropping, (Cheap seats dropped like 35 bucks over the last 4 or 5 days) I dont think the adding of a second show got much publicity. So just a PSA for you denver folks like me who felt the financial pinch, you still have a chance!

I’m not sure if the weekend will increase demand or pricing but I kept watching prices drop and jumped cause theres always a chance of a last minute spike.” A Tool member recently made a tragic Metallica revelation.