KISS Member Unloads On ‘Clown’ Paul Stanley


KISS frontman Paul Stanley recently took to social media to share this photograph of himself in full KISS gear right before a recent show at the Tokyo Dome in Tokyo, Japan. However, this drew the attention and ire of Bob Kulick, the Grammy Award-winning record producer, and brother of former KISS guitarist, Bruce Kulick. Paul Stanley ‘bloated fraud’ photo surprises KISS fans.

Kulick proclaimed that the KISS singer ‘looks like a clown’ in response to Stanley’s post. You can view the exchange below.

Fans over at the KISSfaq fan forum reacted to this jab fairly quickly. One supporter of Bob Kulick, going by the username of BobKulick4Prez wrote: “Bob truth hurts Kulick again is calling spade a spade. On a rock n roll loud and proud. Bob found an opening and nailed it. If Paul is smart which he is when not all the way rattled he should serve this to himself as a wake-up call. But there is no way that’s Paul Stanley in that pic. That is not his throat neck or upper chest. I mean since when did Paul go manscape. If that is Paul someone should sit him down and go through his photos and reacquaint Paul with pics of himself that look good and ones that don’t. Camera phones are hit and miss. Bigtime.”

KISS show ‘absence’ surprises Paul Stanley fans. The user continued: “Paul Stanley is a beautiful specimen and has been since 1976 when overnight he became extremely photogenic. Prior to that, there was much to skip over for all the originals in my opinion. There must be more flattering pics taken of himself nowadays. I hope.”

While RockandRollOverMan deduced: “It’s either a good-natured inside joke which Paul will be aware of or is Bob showing yet more examples of how he’s gone off the rails and is jealous and resentful towards everyone with the success that he used to interact with; success that he does not have. I think the latter is more likely.” Paul Stanley KISS movie with big name revealed.