Rush Singer Geddy Lee ‘Messes Up’ Huge Performance


A Rush superfan was quick to correct the man himself, iconic frontman for the group Geddy Lee after noticing an error that Lee stated during a recent interview. On Instagram, SirJamesoftheBronx wrote: “Enjoying Your wonderful World Cafe interview, right now. Jamerson playing a jazz bass though?! C’mon Geddy! I’m sure that you just misspoke, my funk-brother-to-the-North. Geddy Lee reveals disturbing Rush bandmate demand.

To which the legendary bassist admitted as such by replying: “Damn right you are Sir James… too many interviews, not enuff coffee!”

In other Rush and Geddy Lee news, fans recently took to the group’s subreddit to discuss which years were Rush at their best? One commenter, TheGreatMe03 stated: “I’d say 1975 to 1991, almost every song I listen to comes from those years. 2012 was also a great year, Clockwork Angels was a great note to go out on.” Geddy Lee was savagely disrespected by Rush fan at restaurant recently.

Whereas discotheque_ca wrote: “I’d say between Fly by Night and Hemispheres. At least that’s what I find myself listening to. I like the albums after (up to Grace Under Pressure), but those five prog masterpieces have the sound I’m thinking of/looking for in Rush.”

Zedzed5150 put: “Pretty sure we can all agree that the ’80s were the best/most prolific (or commercially best) period. Permanent Waves Moving Pictures Signals GUP Power Windows Hold your Fire. Presto (was this 1989 or 1990)? 6/7 albums in a decade. Wow!”

Rush singer Geddy Lee secretly hired this big name drummer. While MrBadlandChugs had a different opinion by stating: “I’m going to answer this in a different light and say that musically, as far as playing instruments goes., the guys really didn’t stop improving until the early 2000s. By that, 2002-2015.”